Sibyl Design, Inc. : Web and Graphic Design for Craft Breweries and Distilleries

Packaging Design

halescansCurrent research indicates that 73% of brand purchasing decisions are made at point of sale. So if customers are going to grab your product first, you need eye-catching design that practically jumps into the shopping cart by itself. We focus on three things:


If every package on the shelf looks the same, the customer will likely purchase based on price. Your packaging should be unique to you—impossible to confuse with another brand.


You have half a heartbeat to catch their attention. Boring, pedestrian design just makes your product recede into the noise of all the other brands on the shelf. We design to grab the eye and get noticed—delivering “double-take” design.

Emotional appeal

How does your packaging make the customer feel? Who’s your audience and what do they want? Is your design friendly and warm or hip and trendy? We’ll take the time to discover (in the words of Dr. Phil) the “emotional currency” of your customers and design packaging that tugs at them on a gut level.